Surgical Abortion Procedure

Surgical Abortion Procedure: Safe, Professional, and Confidential Care

Understanding the Surgical Abortion Process

A surgical abortion is a safe, in-clinic procedure performed by licensed medical professionals to terminate a pregnancy. At Tampa Woman’s Health Center Inc., we follow the National Abortion Federation (N.A.F.) Standard of Care, ensuring that every procedure is done with the highest level of safety, professionalism, and compassion.

Our team is here to provide support, guidance, and expert medical care to help you make the best decision for your health and future.

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What Will Happen When I Arrive at the Clinic?

When you arrive at Tampa Woman’s Health Center Inc., our goal is to ensure that you feel safe, supported, and fully informed throughout your visit.

Check-In Process

Photo ID: Please have your ID ready when you sign in.
Urine Specimen: We will ask for a urine sample.
Paperwork: You will receive important forms to read and complete.
Payment: A portion of your fee will be collected when you submit your paperwork.

Your paperwork is crucial because it:
📌 Provides the doctor with a
thorough medical history.
📌 Includes
informed consent documents that allow us to provide care.

Medical Work-Up

After check-in, our staff will:
✔ Take your
temperature and blood pressure.
✔ Ask
a few additional medical questions.
✔ If ordered by your doctor, provide
800 mg of ibuprofen (to prevent swelling after the procedure).

Sonogram & Patient Advocate Meeting

Next, you will have a sonogram to confirm how far along you are in the pregnancy.
You may choose to see your sonogram and have it explained to you.
Sonogram dating is more accurate than estimating based on your last menstrual period.

After your sonogram, you will meet with our Patient Advocate to:
✔ Answer any
questions you may have.
✔ Review
aftercare instructions.
✔ Discuss your
prescriptions and how to take them.
✔ Sign final
consents for treatment.
✔ Talk about
free birth control options if you’re interested.
✔ Plan your
4-week follow-up appointment.

Blood Work & Sedation

✔ The nurse will draw blood using a small IV to check:

  • Hemoglobin levels (to assess for anemia).
  • Rh factor (to determine if Rh-negative treatment is needed).
    ✔ Later, the same
    IV will be used to administer conscious sedation.

The Procedure

✔ The doctor will speak with you before the procedure to answer any final questions.
✔ Once the
sedation is administered, you may feel relaxed, dreamy, and drowsy.
✔ The doctor will:

  • Numb the cervix (similar to how a dentist numbs your mouth).
  • Gently dilate the cervix.
  • Use suction aspiration to remove the pregnancy while you are sedated.

Recovery Area

✔ Once awake, you will rest in the recovery area for 30-45 minutes.
✔ Our staff will
monitor your vital signs until you are cleared to go home.
✔ You
must have a driver with you if you received sedation.

Abortion Preparation

No eating or drinking at least 3 hours before your appointment.

  • Photo ID, payment, and proof of Medicaid/student/military ID (if applicable).
    Wear comfortable clothing—a loose-fitting two-piece outfit with full-back panties (no T-backs).

🔹 Learn more about abortion preparation.

Abortion Anesthesia

IV Sedation Available—Helps you feel dreamy and relaxed.
Completely Optional—You may choose to have your procedure with or without sedation.
Quick Recovery—Sedation is short-acting, allowing you to wake up easily.

🔹 Learn more about Abortion Anesthesia.

Abortion Fees

Transparent pricing—No hidden fees.
Includes all medical services, follow-up visits, and medications.
Payment Methods: Cash, Visa, Mastercard, traveler’s checks, and money orders (no personal checks).

🔹 Learn more about abortion fees.

Pre-Existing Medical Condition Considerations

Diabetes? Bring your blood test kit and insulin.
Asthma? Bring your inhaler.
Heart Murmur? Antibiotics are required 24 hours before your appointment.

🔹 Learn more about pre-existing medical conditions.

Instructions for After Your Abortion

Monitor for fever—if 100°F or higher, call us immediately.
Bleeding & Cramping—Varies from light spotting to moderate flow.
Pain Management—800 mg of ibuprofen can help relieve discomfort.
No tampons, intercourse, swimming, or tub baths for at least 3-4 weeks.

📞 Call immediately if you experience:
Heavy bleeding (soaking more than one pad per hour for two consecutive hours).
Severe cramping that does not improve with medication.
Fever over 100°F, chills, or unusual discharge.

🔹 Read Full Instructions for After Your Abortion.

Need Help? Contact Us Anytime

📞 Call Now for Support:
Tampa, FL: 813-977-6176
St. Petersburg, FL: 727-381-6620
Clearwater, FL: 727-446-2690

🔹 Schedule Your Follow-Up Exam.

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